My Platform

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Unlike my opponent, I am NOT a career politician. I am a local business owner, decorated war veteran, Christian and patriot, who believes in putting America first.

I am running for Congress because I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and our values are under attack.

I am a God-fearing, Constitution-loving, fiscal and social conservative, who believes in a limited federal government.

The only thing Washington should be mandating is freedom!

To sum it up in one sentence, I believe in returning to America’s Christian values and restoring our God-given liberties.

The Issues

Congress must stop printing money and spending money it does not have.

As a small business owner, who represents and fights for other small businesses, I know how inflation and out-of-control regulation is crippling small businesses.

We cannot continue to borrow from future generations to pay for “welfare” programs of today.

  • We must balance the budget.
  • We must incentivize the creation of small businesses.
  • We must work to reduce interest rates.
  • We must develop a plan to pay off our $34+ trillion in debt and more than $215+ trillion in unfunded liabilities.

Under the Biden regime, the dollar has lost nearly 20 percent of it’s value since 2020, while the cost of living and inflation have skyrocketed.

American families are now spending $11,400 more a year to live than they were in 2021 (According to CBS News Nov. 30, 2023).

This has to stop.

We must fund the completion of the border wall that President Trump started!

It’s also time to hold the Executive Branch accountable to enforce the laws we already have to stop illegal immigration.

If they won’t do their jobs, Congress should use the power of the purse to stop paying them until they do their jobs.

We should put a complete moratorium on immigration until we can fix our broken immigration system. We need to enforce the laws we have and strengthen our border security. If people entered our country illegally, failed to report to an immigration hearing or have overstayed their visas, there must be harsh consequences. Once we secure the border and begin enforcing the law, we can consider restarting legal immigration. For those who wish to come here, it should be contingent upon their willingness to assimilate, learn English, American history and be taught our foundational values.

Americans have lost confidence in our electoral process.

When elected, I will work to put forth legislation that ensures:

  • Voting will only take place on Election Day
  • Only citizens will be allowed to vote
  • All voters must present a valid state-issued ID or U.S. Passport in order to vote
  • Election Day would become a federal holiday
  • Require results to be disclosed no later 11:59 p.m. on Election Day


The nuclear family is one of America’s foundational values, and is integral for our nation’s success. Never in world history has a society tried to tear apart the nuclear family and had lasting success. This is utter insanity. It is causing chaos, and it must be stopped. We must make sure that we incentivize and honor traditional family values.

I am unequivocally pro-life.

In the very first two sentences, which our nation declared to the world in the Declaration of Independence, we declared that we believe that there is a Creator.

  • We believe in the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
  • “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

As Americans, that means we declared that we believe that the right to life is a God-given right, and our government is supposed to protect that right.

The U.S. Department of Education should be abolished.

Conservatives must stand up against the radical left, their indoctrination of children with LGBTQ ideology, Marxist “anti-racism” curriculum, and other anti-American perversions.

I believe it is time for churches across America to start schools and begin making disciples and teaching students about the Bible and the values found in the Bible.

I strongly support states like my home state of Florida, that offer voucher programs where tax money follows the students and allows parents to use their tax money toward tuition in private schools.

We need to get rid of the establishment on both sides and pass legislation to limit the number of terms a member of Congress can serve. I would like to see no more than four terms for members of the U.S. House of Representatives and two terms for U.S. Senators.

Daylight Saving Time runs from March through November. In November, we “fall back” and as a result, it gets darker earlier in the evening. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, I would co-sponsor legislation to permanently adopt Daylight Saving Time. This would support Florida residents and businesses by keeping more daylight during observed daytime hours and later into the evening.