
I’m truly grateful for the outpouring of support I have received from leaders and organizations all over our great state and country.

“The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses James Judge in FL-15. He is a liberty conservative who will boldly defend our constitutional rights,” said John Dennis, National Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus. “Unlike his establishment opponent, James Judge will fight for limited government and free markets.”

“Over the last year, I have had the opportunity to develop a friendship with James and know he believes strongly in our foundational Christian values. James is a committed Constitutional conservative who understands the forces that seek to take down our America. I know he will be guided by those values as he works to shrink the size and scope of the federal government, while fighting to secure the border and balance the budget. James is the America-first conservative President Trump called for to step forward, and I encourage the voters in Florida’s 15th Congressional District to vote for him this August!”

“Washington lacks vision and leadership in solving the tough problems facing our nation. When I entered Congress in 2013 our national debt was $13.5 trillion. When I left Congress, it was $22 trillion despite my persistent challenging of leadership to solve the problem. Washington leadership continues fail to address our spending and now taxpayers are on the hook for $34 trillion in debt. This is unsustainable, and the only way to solve this is by sending individuals to Washington who not only recognize the problem but have the backbone and tenacity to make adult decisions to correct course for the future of America. I am confident that James has these traits and the good common sense needed to start solving three most perilous threats facing America: out-of-control debt, open borders and the Chinese Communist party, and that’s why he has my full support.”

“We are proud to announce our support for James Judge in Florida’s 15th Congressional District because he is pro-God, pro-life and pro-Constitution. Additionally, James supports securing the border, reducing taxes and balancing our nation’s budget. We strongly encourage voters to send him to Washington, where we know he will support President Trump’s America First agenda.”