Statement by James Judge following election on Aug. 20

Statement by James Judge following election on Aug. 20

“First and foremost, thank you to all of you who supported my campaign. However, if anyone thinks this was a fair fight, it wasn’t. I was essentially forced to fight with one hand tied behind my back.

From Facebook literally funding my opponent, while blocking my ability to advertise on the social media platform, to Google and other email platforms funneling my official campaign emails to spam or literally not allowing them to be delivered to recipients at all, to the state of Florida refusing to enforce election laws, while the majority of the media refused to cover any of this, the race was rigged in favor of Laurel Lee at every possible turn.

Sadly, the real loss is for conservatives in FL-15 who will have to endure another two years of having a “representative” who fails to uphold our values.

Laurel Lee is at the top of the list of 435 reasons why Congress has a 13 percent approval rating.

She has consistently voted to give away our treasury to foreign nations, while voting alongside Democrats on every single funding bill. She has refused to address the situation at the border and didn’t even bother to show up to support her fellow Tampa Bay area Republican colleague who tried to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt, which as a result, failed by only six votes.

Sadly, around 80 percent of registered voters decided to stay home yesterday and not participate in the primary election.

Now, we’ll all have to deal with another two years of having establishment politicians in office who serve the special interest groups, while remaining disconnected from the populace.

Despite this, we all must come together to move forward and work to defeat Amendment 4. If passed, Amendment 4 will establish a constitutionally protected right to kill a baby up until birth. This cannot be allowed to take place!

We must VOTE NO on Amendment 4!

God bless,

James Judge