James Judge endorses Eddie Speir for Congress in FL-16, slams RINO Buchanan

James Judge endorses Eddie Speir for Congress in FL-16, slams RINO Buchanan

TAMPA, Fla. – James Judge, the Christian, America-first, conservative, small business owner running against Rep. Laurel Lee (R-FL) in Florida’s 15th Congressional District endorsed Eddie Speir for Congress against Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) in Florida’s 16th Congressional District on Thursday.

“Eddie is a successful entrepreneur and a strong Christian, conservative who fears the LORD. We desperately need representatives in Washington who know they will kneel before the LORD one day and give an account of their actions,” said Judge. “Unlike Buchanan, Eddie is an actual conservative, and he will truly represent the values outlined in the Republican party platform.”

Judge went on to give a scathing condemnation of Buchanan and the majority of the Republican-led Congress.

“As Republicans, we know that Democrat policies are harming America, but I will go a step further and say that our biggest problem is people who claim to represent Republican values leading up to Election Day, but then once they’re in office, they go to Washington and consistently fail to uphold the Constitution and the promises they made on the campaign trail. These traitors have sold out to special interest groups. They support reckless, out-of-control spending, which is destroying our economy, and they have given up on using the power of the purse to hold the other branches of government accountable,” said Judge. “Vern Buchanan is no exception.”

While occupying office for the last 17 years, FEC reports show that Buchanan has lined his pockets with more than 4,000 special interest contributions, funded by many political enemies of Republican values, including Blackrock, Disney, Google, Microsoft, Pfizer and more.

“This is absolutely unacceptable. It is time for a true change, and I strongly encourage the voters of Florida’s 16th Congressional District to vote for Eddie Speir on August 20th,” said Judge.

For media-related inquiries, contact the campaign’s PR firm at 813.279.8335 or by emailing news@judgepr.com.